Oh such clever Central Oregonians! Thanks for the comments and the positive feed back. This will be fun. Yes- it's the European Mountain Ash. Sorbus aucuparia (SOR-bus aw-ku-PAH-ree-a) The OSU web site (see the link in the side bar) says that aucuparia comes from the Latin word aucupor 'to go bird catching'. It refers to a way to use a sticky gum-like substance to catch fowl. I know that I've seen a Mt. Ash tree that looked like it was decorated for Christmas it was so filled with blue Pinyon Jays and Cedar Waxwings munching on the berries.
Love the idea. Can't wait to see what is next. Marsh
I love this. I have wanted to be able to identify the wonderful trees and flowers ever since I moved to Oregon 9 years ago. I think I only know juniper and Indian Paintbrush - but now I know Mountain Ash - great blog!
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