If you want to be able to harvest armfulls of produce in Central Oregon but you don't own a temperature-controlled greenhouse stocked with enriched soil- you might consider becoming an herb enthusiast! Most herbs really love it here. I have a two-tiered mixed herb border that provides some evergreen interest, colorful flowers, great flavors and scents AND IT LIVES ON - in spite of me and all the rest of the areas challenges.
These are the ones that I've found look the best all of the time, are hardest to kill and most xeric:
Lavender - evergreen (Lavandula angustifolia)
Chives - perennial with nice foliage and 'button poof' flowers
Sage - (Salvia officinallis) evergreen in some areas
Oregano - it can even take over if you don't hem it in.
Mint - ditto
Thyme - evergreen - but gets woody if you don't clip it back
Germander - sometimes evergreen. comes in a petite bush size.
Mix in: dwarf Catmint (Nepeta faassenii), Russian Sage, Gaillardia or Yarrow (Achillea 'Moonshine'), Hummingbird Mint (Agastache), and Assorted Alliums and you'll have a lovely, hardy and useful garden.
These do well with either a little more water or some protection:
Many hybrids from above -
Multicolored sages (Purple or yellow varieties) or special flavored sages
Variegated thymes or oreganos; look for Amethyst Falls Hybrid Oregano - it's so cute!
Flavored mints
Pink Hyssop or Hyssopus officinalis (Blue Hyssop)
These are hit and miss - depending on your luck:
Hardy Rosemary - (like 'ARP') it's very xeric, but doesn't like it if we have a real winter
Basil - needs more water, and I find it very cold sensitive and pest prone (being a Basil lover and a glutton for punishment- I always try some.)
Chamomile - mine keeps coming back - but usually looks kind of ratty and is hard to weed. Smells wonderful, though.
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