January 20, 2010

Nursery Mystery Game

As landscape designers, we're always 'plant watching' around town. It's a little like being a bird watcher. Trees, shrubs or flowers seem to catch our eyes for one reason or another at different seasons and we just NEED to know more about their identities. So here's a way for everyone to play along. We'll post some clues on one day and supply the answer in the following days. We'll try to identify Central Oregon plants that are currently showing off around town. Add a comment if you want to guess the answer!


r wright said...

oboy! I am excited to play this game. You might mention which birds are attracted to this particular plant...

Ginger said...

Hello, we're fairly new to Central OR, from the Willamette Valley, and I'm not sure what will survive out here. On a hike today I discovered a sweet little yellow flower growing, and would like to identify it. Can you point me to a website that would help in identifying plants from this climate/region? Thanks so much!
chirgies at gmail dot com.