Save on the plants and trees that are happy to live in Central Oregon this Friday and Saturday, September 4th and 5th. Heartsprings Nursery is located in Tumalo on the corner of Collins Road and Walton Road: 18430 Walton Rd.
Don't miss out on Perennial, Vine and Select Grass specials Buy 2- get 1 Free!
This includes some hard to find and usually expensive varieties. Look for Echinacea and the cutest groundcover Bleeding Hearts- just to name a few.
Bring cash or checks and carry home shrubs, grasses, trees- everything that you need to enjoy your garden this Fall. The nursery is open 9 - 4 both days.
Closeouts SAVE UP TO 50% OFF
Beautiful healthy plants that we will discontinue
Heritage River Birch (Bronze Birch Bore Resistant)
Rocky Mt. Glow Maple (Sugar Maple Native to Rockies)
Marmo Maple (Similar to Autumn Blaze Maple)
Washington Hawthorn
Blowouts SAVE UP TO 75% OFF
Funky, Frosted, Floppy and Free Spirited Plants!
Ponderosa Pine (Awesome for naturalizing)
Scotch Pine, Columnar Scotch Pine (A dream price for that tall skinny evergreen need)
Fraser Fir, Nordman Fir (Both perfect for live Christmas Trees)
Colorado Spruce, Engelmann Spruce (another native for naturalizing)
Nannyberry Trees- (Floppy and berry laden - perfect for an arbor)
Tulip Tree -please adopt this one so it can live in a downtown banana belt!
Move'em Outs SAVE UP TO 50% OFF
Healthy plants that will be happiest in the ground by Winter!
These shrubs...buy 1 get 1 free-
Nishiki Dappled Willow ( Grows to 6' pink, white and green leaves-lovely)
Mt. Fuji Spirea ( Sprays of white spring flowers- red orange Fall color)
Knockout Red Rose (Hardy and carefree prolific bloomer)
Firehill Flowering Almond (Pink spring flowers, red fall color, almond like nut)